To answer all of your questions, the team is reachable from Mondays to Fridays 9am-12:30am and 2pm-5:30pm, and on Saturdays 9:30am-5pm !

Package and stay



Our core business is outdoor activities. Around this, we are Atout France approved; we can therefore organize your entire stay: transfers, catering, accommodation...


This is our specialty!

With us, there is no pre-defined program in advance.

We build your program according to your wishes, your budget, your requirements.


We will also try to reduce the ecological impact of your stay as much as possible:

> By offering non-motorized activities

> By optimizing travel in order to reduce carbon footprint

> By collaborating with an organic and local caterer

Necessary Equipment

Equipment specific to the activities is always provided.
A list of items necessary and suitable for your stay will be sent to you.

Duration : From a single day to a stay of several days
appeal :
Sport level required : Not any

- A tailor-made program designed with and for you
- Adapted to a heterogeneous audience and based on one or more outdoor activities

Price :

Sur devis

The price includes :

Studying needs and creating a tailor-made program
Personalized support throughout the project


All our guides and instructors are state qualified. Safety is one of our priorities.
Our teams are experienced.

spoken languages

  • French
  • English


Incentive or Team-Building, together we will find the ideal activity for your teams!

A buffet lunch or at one of our good addresses, followed for example by a cohesive, outdoor activity, we will create the perfect half-day for your colleagues!

Meeting in the room, friendly and committed lunch, team challenge or even mountain activity... Everything (or almost) will be possible to meet your desires!

An afterwork by the lake, an unusual evening in the mountains or a festive evening; we will create a memorable evening for you!

Several days left to discover the region? Let's take advantage of this to organize a lake-mountain-city program for example and allow you to discover all the riches of the territory.

Services on the spot


    Meet in front of your accommodation or at the activity location.


    Welcome by our Tour Leaders who are always attentive, or by our professional and friendly guides ;)