To answer all of your questions, the team is reachable from Mondays to Fridays 9am-12:30am and 2pm-5:30pm, and on Saturdays 9:30am-5pm !

Dog Sled Driving Initiation

Stroll details

After a short security briefing and detailed explanations about how to guide the sled, you will explore the wilderness of the Revard, per groups of 7 or 8 sleds. Some stops are scheduled along the way for few pieces of advice, and you will be back on the adventure...

Available during the week only!

Required equipment for dog sledding

- Equip your car to go to the snow and to the mountain with snow tires or chains
- Warm ski clothing
- Ski cap and gloves
- Hiking boots or snow boots
- Sunglasses

Duration : 15/20 min briefing and 40/45min driving
appeal :
Season : de december a march
Sport level required : Moderate

The activity occurs on a varied and undulating path, requiring a physical and mental implication from the participants.
Be careful, you should not have medical contraindications (Recent operation, Pregnancy, Recurring pain...)

Tarif :

119.00 €

The price includes :

Price per person


Attention no reservation at this time of year. Call us at 04 50 45 38 46 or complete the form below

Stroll monitoring

Our mushers, Sandra and her team, are available during the ride to answer any technicals issues about the dogsled activity or the natural environment of the Revard.

spoken languages

  • French
  • English

The stroll

- Welcome and presentation of the activity

- Time for advices and questions with the musher

- Participation to the preparation of the dogs and sled

- Advices about how to drive your dogs team

- Handling of the sled

- About 40 minutes of supervised driving

- Return to the base

Services on the spot

  • Toilet


At La Féclaz at the picnic area of the Parcours Aventure (nearby the Chalet du Loup).


You will be welcomed by our mushers (Sandra and her team) and the dogs of course !


Parking du Chalet du Loup
73230 Les Déserts - Francia